Sunday, March 7, 2010

Being a True Winner

Being a winner is all in the eyes of the beholder. Sometimes people always look at winning as something that MUST be done. Something that they will do anything to achieve.

Being a winner does not always mean that you actually win whatever you are doing. Being a winner, in my eyes, is knowing that you have learned something from the situation, and will not make the same mistakes you did that time, the next time. True, actually winning the competition may make you an actual winner, but does that make you a true winner?

People will go to extremes to win at competitions, some people even resort to cheating. Even if that person does win the competition, are they a true winner? Yes, I know this all sounds cliche, but the truth is the truth.

I am most proud of winning my life for Christ. Everyday is a constant struggle with sin, for all of us. But, knowing that I have made the decision to give my life to Christ, and am firm and stick to my beliefs, I know I have won, better yet, Christ has won me and I know I have eternal life in him.


-Cam(: said...

This is true.

Good post(:

AndreaD said...

I agree with this post, good job!

brittany12 said...

I totally agre with you