Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What Makes a Leader a True Leader?

What makes a leader a true leader? The question is simple, the answer can be very complex.

No matter where we look in life, we always have someone to answer to. Employees answer to their bosses, bosses answer to their bosses, and so on an so forth. But, the differences between a leader that we just answer to because we have to, and a leader which we respect and want to follow are very distinct and obvious.

A true leader is someone that inspires people to follow them. They must be bold, eloquent, and make people want to respect them. To be feared is a quality some leaders strive for, which true, does force people to serve, but as soon as the fear factor is gone out of the situation, people will refuse to follow.

For a person to be a true leader, they must be willing to listen to other people, and willing to be wrong. If someone leads with the attitude that they are always right, never doing anything wrong, they are believing a lie, and how can they expect others to believe them when they won't
even admit to the problem?

There are many qualities that are needed in a person to be a true leader, but out of them all, the most important quality is the willingness to learn. If a leader is not willing to learn, nothing will change, nothing will improve, and all being leader will have done for that person is earn them a title.

To be a leader is not for the fainthearted, but if taken seriously and done right, many people have the potential to be a great leader. If they only listen, and learn.

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