An archetype is basically just a fancy word for a pattern. When I think of an archetype I think of a text message template. A basic plot line of something to say, which can be edited to contain more, or less information.
The first archetype I can think of is probably the most common one of all. That of a weak being defeating an evil being, then said evil being coming back, and being hell-bent on destroying all good in the entire world.
My mind immediately jumps to Harry Potter when I think of this archetype. Harry as a young baby defeats Voldemort, killing him. Harry grows up, Voldemort returns, tries to kill Harry, Harry kills him. The end, happy hugs tears, yippee.
I can think of many other places this archetype is used, the Lord of the Rings for example. We are all familiar with the story. Evil defeated, evil comes back, good destroys evil.
Archetypes, very interesting, impossible to escape. My mind has officially been blown.
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