Friday, October 15, 2010

My Independent Reading This Quarter

This quarter, I have established a regular habit of reading. I read every night now before I go to bed, even if it is just by Bible reading. I have had a few issues with keeping up with my reading earlier in the quarter, but now I am doing really good with it. I honestly probably wouldn't be reading 150 minutes a week if I didn't think I needed to do it just for the grade. Life right now is just so busy I don't always have that much time to read. I have a relatively balanced reading diet, some frill reads, along with some mroe serious reads, like Inexcusable. Reading this quarter has really been hard to squeeze in, but I think over the long run, I have learned how to make and keep some good habits that will stick with me for a long time.

Getting in my required number of books was hard. I read some really good books, but then my reading became kind of stagnant and boring for a while. I just need to be sure to stay in the swing of reading every day and finding good books to read that keep me thinking and entertained at the same time.

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