Pink's sarcastic, grim observation of the shift in lifestyle in America, combined with his observation of the shift in thinking of Americans, aims to show our change of mindset and how we are taking our abundance for granted, possibly giving us cause to change. Staples is "a 20,000 square foot box selling 7,500 different school and office supplies." Pink is using this example of something we see every day to show us the massive nature of how we as a people seem to need a thousand different choices when over half of them do the exact same thing. He is bringing to light the fact that our forgetfulness of our abundance has led to a change in mindset. We have gone from I need this to survive, to I want this because I like it. When we can't store things, we just throw them away. Pink's frank statement of this visible fact shows the obvious American wasteful attitude and his effort to bring to light this change of mindset. Americans need to buy things we need, so therefore we won't have more stuff than space. We are drowning in our waste of our abundant resources, and Pink uses tactful sarcastic humor and straightforwardness to make us aware of our current state.