Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blogging for Beginners

Well, this is my first blog post. And I don't know really what to type. So, I guess I'll just explain my idea of what a blog is/should be. I view a blog as somewhat of a public journal, if you will. A place for an individual to be able to post his/her thoughts and feelings for other people to see.

In my point of view, if used correctly, blogging can be a useful and informative if used the right way. However, some people today use blogs as the ultimate source of information, and view all of the said information as fact. Which is false, blogs are statements of opinion by people, and an individual can choose to agree or disagree with that as they will. I find it very annerving when someone reads a post on a wall or blog, and then confronts the author, saying something along the lines of "How could you write something like that?" when instead, the individual could take the opportunity to discuss their perspective on the issue which was written about.

In a way blogging can be considered a sign of the changing times. Our parents may have had journals to write their personal thoughts in. But nowadays, teens tend to lean toward blogs more than actual paper journals.